Some people - not me, you understand - might say that there are no surprises in this and that the British perfected this kind of State-directed political thuggery against other countries - calling it "diplomacy", and sometimes "gunboat diplomacy".
And they might point out that the Italians seem to have a State version and a privatised version called the "Mafia", and the Chinese similarly so.
And they might go on to say that that is arguably all this US/Gabon thing is, with the difference being that Corporatism (**AA) is substituted for "Mafia", and there seems to be no attempt to conceal the collusion between the powerful US State dept. and the **AA.
They might then suggest that the powers-that-be presumably must hate Dotcom awful bad to go to these lengths - rather like Monsanto's throttling control over farmers in the US and elsewhere (e.g., India) - and that it is just another manifestation of good Corporate psychopathy.
But I couldn't possibly comment.