Hey there,
I've imported my work layout, settings and icons into a folder where I unzipped the beta version, which seemed to work fine as far as the import goes.
Favorites menu is fine too
Then I tested removing the start command on a few of my GUI driven apps and enabling the "Skip Command Window" option instead, moving all the parameters (when applicable) from the prefix towards the "Application Arguments" field, and indeed it launches the program with no unnecessary CMD window, which is nice
I did notice however that, for such buttons where the "Skip Command Window" option is enabled, if the following conditions are all met :
1 - I don't include the <var> parameter anywhere in the "Application Arguments (optional)" field
2 - the "Ignore Variable Text" checkbox is not checked
3 - there is some text in the "Variable" field of the main window
then, when the mouse cursor is over such a button, both the command preview in the status bar and the "Application Arguments:" line within the tooltip look as if the contents of Variable would be included, between the Application and its other arguments (if any are specified), yet the contents of the Variable is actually not included when clicking the button to run the command.
Now obviously I shouldn't forget to include the <var> in the arguments at the position where it's needed, but there still is an inconsistency between what the preview says and what the program does.