Hey all, nice forum you guys have here.
I'm looking for a windows program which basically does the same thing as an android app as camscanner.
What does camscanner do? (and other similar programs on android or iOS)
1) You take a picture of a document using the app
2) The program detects the edges of the page you're trying to digitize so you can crop the picture (and perhaps corrects skewed edges)
3) Does some postprocessing to improve contrast or poor lighting (this site shows a neat example of the result:
http://staff.washing...n.edu/corey/camscan/ )
( 4) Stores the page and others in a logical system using tags or something.. )
I tried some mobile programs (like camscanner) but they usually have their own way of storing files.
Also it's more handy to archive them directly to PC than go via phone.
Most of them output to PDF which is a no go for me as well.
So I'm looking for a windows program which mimics this behavior.
So I would start with .jpg's which are taken by a digital camera or phone, then run them throught the program to crop them (having had the edges detected automatically), and then applying some post-processing.
Resulting in a clean .jpg file via the aforementioned process would do just fine.
I prefer .jpg or .tiff or something over pdf.
not looking for an advanced way to store them in a database - though any free or oss solutions might be worth mentioning?
I found a thread on the forum about scanning documents (using a printer or scanner) and archiving them somehow, but this is not my main focus.
Also many programs mentioned in the thread from 2007 are now abandoned.
If anyone has any ideas, feel free to suggest them...