Version 2.200.01
I have a directory : network share "m:\Reference Dir\SDD"
Inside that, I have multiple documents named following a convention: csc###sdd.doc. For example:
The last one you'll notice doesn't follow the convention, and the directory listing in FARR doesn't show it.
My FARR command line will contain "m:\Reference Dir\SDD 100", and the first one will appear in the results. Ditto for the 2nd. If I enter "m:\Reference Dir\SDD 66", the third file will not show up, and it used to.
With some experimenting, I discovered that if I manually entered "m:\Reference Dir\SDD\ 66", then that 3rd line will appear. However, if I have a Restart alias (which is where I first encountered this issue), I still don't get a result.
Actual Alias string is "DESIGN (66) | RESTARTSEARCH M:\REFERENCE DIR\SDD\ 66"
It appears that the same of the directory (SDD) is somehow getting involved with the manual entry, and I'm not sure what's occuring with the alias. Maybe the last \ is being ignored? Originally, the last \ wasn't there - I put it in when I discovered the manual entry worked with the \, but to no avail.