Didn't work for me on a first, quick try.
I'll take another look later…
You have to compile from the source. The attachment posted by the author with no compression or icon didn't work for me at all.
I made a small mod for calling it as a function that sets DetectHiddenWindows On, then restores the original state at the end of the function. For AHK_L apps you can just include the file and call the function.
;~ #NoTrayIcon
;~ #SingleInstance force
;~ NoTrayOrphans()
;~ ExitApp
;~ Return
NoTrayOrphans() {
DetectState := A_DetectHiddenWindows ; mod MilesAhead
DetectHiddenWindows, On ; mod MilesAhead
TrayInfo:= TrayIcons(sExeName,"ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd","ToolbarWindow32" . GetTrayBar()) "`n"
. TrayIcons(sExeName,"ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow","ToolbarWindow321")
While Item:= StrX(TrayInfo, "idx:" ,N,0, "`n" ,1,0, N) {
ProcessName:= StrX(Item, "| Process: ",1,11, "|",1,2)
ProcesshWnd:= StrX(Item, "hWnd: ",1,6, " ",1,1)
ProcessuID := StrX(Item, "| uID: ",1,7, " ",1,1)
If !ProcessName
RemoveTrayIcon(ProcesshWnd, ProcessuID)
DetectHiddenWindows, %DetectState% ; mod MilesAhead
RemoveTrayIcon(hWnd, uID, nMsg = 0, hIcon = 0, nRemove = 2) {
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(ni,444,0), ni)
NumPut(hWnd , ni, 4)
NumPut(uID , ni, 8)
NumPut(1|2|4, ni,12)
NumPut(nMsg , ni,16)
NumPut(hIcon, ni,20)
Return DllCall("shell32\Shell_NotifyIconA", "Uint", nRemove, "Uint", &ni)
TrayIcons(sExeName,traywindow,control) {
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, pidTaskbar, PID, %traywindow%
hProc:= DllCall("OpenProcess", "Uint", 0x38, "int", 0, "Uint", pidTaskbar)
pProc:= DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 32, "Uint", 0x1000, "Uint", 0x4)
SendMessage, 0x418, 0, 0, %control%, %traywindow%
Loop, %ErrorLevel%
SendMessage, 0x417, A_Index-1, pProc, %control%, %traywindow%
VarSetCapacity(btn,32,0), VarSetCapacity(nfo,32,0)
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", pProc, "Uint", &btn, "Uint", 32, "Uint", 0)
iBitmap := NumGet(btn, 0)
idn := NumGet(btn, 4)
Statyle := NumGet(btn, 8)
If dwData := NumGet(btn,12)
iString := NumGet(btn,16)
Else dwData := NumGet(btn,16,"int64"), iString:=NumGet(btn,24,"int64")
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", dwData, "Uint", &nfo, "Uint", 32, "Uint", 0)
If NumGet(btn,12)
hWnd := NumGet(nfo, 0)
, uID := NumGet(nfo, 4)
, nMsg := NumGet(nfo, 8)
, hIcon := NumGet(nfo,20)
Else hWnd := NumGet(nfo, 0,"int64"), uID:=NumGet(nfo, 8), nMsg:=NumGet(nfo,12), hIcon := NumGet(nfo,24)
WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGet, sProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGetClass, sClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
If !sExeName || (sExeName = sProcess) || (sExeName = pid)
VarSetCapacity(sTooltip,128), VarSetCapacity(wTooltip,128*2)
, DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", iString, "Uint", &wTooltip, "Uint", 128*2, "Uint", 0)
, DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "str", wTooltip, "int", -1, "str", sTooltip, "int", 128, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
, sTrayIcons .= "idx: " . A_Index-1 . " | idn: " . idn . " | Pid: " . pid . " | uID: " . uID . " | MessageID: " . nMsg . " | hWnd: " . hWnd . " | Class: " . sClass . " | Process: " . sProcess . " | Icon: " . hIcon . " | Tooltip: " . wTooltip . "`n"
DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", pProc, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x8000)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", hProc)
return sTrayIcons
GetTrayBar() {
ControlGet, hParent, hWnd,, TrayNotifyWnd1 , ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
ControlGet, hChild , hWnd,, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_id %hParent%
Loop {
ControlGet, hWnd, hWnd,, ToolbarWindow32%A_Index%, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
If Not hWnd
Else If hWnd = %hChild%
idxTB := A_Index
Return idxTB
StrX( H, Bs="",BO=0,BT=1, ES="",EO=0,ET=1, ByRef N="" ) {
Return SubStr(H,P:=(((Z:=StrLen(ES))+(X:=StrLen(H))+StrLen(Bs)-Z-X)?((T:=InStr(H,Bs,0,((BO
} ; By SKAN: http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=312116#p312116