Hello everyone,
I recently moved abroad and email is a huge part of staying in touch with friends and family back home. I'd like to more efficiently upload pictures (and other files) to them. I use AHK to create some keyboad shortcuts, but nothing you could call "programming". From searching the forum, I know that most components I think are needed to create this utility are available, but I have no idea how to put it together.
So here goes... The "Attach or upload to FTP utility" should do the following:
Whenever I drag and drop a file onto a MS Outlook message window, a window should pop-up giving me two options:
1. Upload file to FTP
2. Attach to email
If I choose 2, the file gets attached and nothing else happens.
If I choose 1, the following happens:
- A small FTP browser window opens a pre-determined FTP site
- I can browse to a desired folder or create a new one
- By clicking "upload", the file gets uploaded, and a link to the folder (i.e. the location of the file) gets pasted into the message body
That's it! Nice additions to this functionality would be:
- Drag and drop multiple files onto the MS Outlook message window
- A threshold for minimum filesize (so the utility doesn't pop up for small files)
- Checking the "To" field of the message to determine if the utility should pop-up (so you only send FTP uploaded attachment mails to recipients with FTP access).
I'm looking forward to your ideas!