I have searched widely for a tool to diagnose why windows file sharing sometimes stops working.
I know how to use PING to check basic connectivity to a local host.
I know how to use NET USE to see mapped drives and NET VIEW to see hosts visible on the LAN.
Then I use Search->Computer to see what shares I can see.
Then I try to open a share like SharedDocs on the other computer.
I have found "howto" documents on the web about how to set up windows file sharing, which take quite a while to work through, sometimes without solving the problem.
I have tried the troubleshooter in the Windows help, but it said we had duplicate computer names on our LAN, but we don't.
I think many people would find this helpful:
- a tool to run through the steps I have listed above, and any other useful ones, reporting results. Then when anything fails, look at the packets on the network to diagnose why it failed.
- on the local computer, for each share, analyse the interaction of "share permissions" and "NTFS permissions" and list what each category of user (including "guest") can do on that share.
- offer suggestions on how to resolve the issues.
Hope this takes someone's interest,