I usually type all kinds of information into plain text files, categorizing every memo/info/todo with a simple tag like e.g. "car" for car-related stuff, or hou for "house" related stuff etc. I also type current todo items into the same text. the text may look like this:
[tab](..continued blabla
[tab]continued blabla.....
[tab]continued blabla.......
after some time, I have a huge text with unsorted units of text. I would like to sort the entries alphabetically/numerically so that it looks like this:
After an hour of research, I found the only program capable of doing this was an online service,
http://sortmylist.com/This service has the feature to define blank lines as a separator. (However, they seem to send the info over the
internet, which I object to.)
(even more helpful would be "a new item starts with a linebreak that is directly
followed by up to 7 alphanumeric characters, that are again followed by another tab".
this would not require a blank line between items, or any other manually added separator.)
perhaps the program could simply work as a one-click-program (or one shortcut, like win-Q or so), converting the
current contents of the clipboard. text should not be altered, i.e. special /international characters and tabs etc.
should all be retained.
I think I am problably not the only person who simply types their stuff into a text, with a tag + tab to
at least categorize it a little. I am aware there are programs that will do this, but using plain text and
a lightweitht editor has so many advantages.
-> my question: can anyone please point me to a locally installable program that can do this? I was unable to find one.
Or, does anyone feel this might be a coding idea worth pursuing?