4wd, so the file names of shortcuts themselves will not be affected by BSM, only the contents of the shortcuts -- path to target, and filename of the target?
Here is a more complicated task, if you care to help further..., involving BOTH the target path and the target filename:
On drive e: now...
e:\1\QQQ\images\50501\...(16,000 .png images)
e:\1\QQQ\images\50502\...(16,000 .png images)
e:\1\QQQ\images\50503\...(16,000 .png images)
Within the first folder above are the files....
Within the second folder above are the files....
Notice the second (and subsequent) folder's file names are identical to the first, except for the first portion of the file name -- 50501 vs. 50502.
Using a combination of Skwire's FilePunter and 4wd's BSM, I have created a terrific set of shortcuts pointing to the files in the 50501 folder. I regard that shortcut set as my 'gold standard.'
Example of 50501 shortcut -- path + target:
The trouble now comes in adjusting/modifying the shortcuts for the other folders, say 50502.
If possible, I'd like to use my 'gold standard' 50501 shortcuts --> copy them to, say, a 50502 shortcuts folder, and give BSM the instructions:
"BSM, take the 50502 folder full of shortcuts, look in there, when you find a path with '50501' change it to '50502.' When you find a target filename with '50501' change it to '50502.'"
If BSM can do that, I'll repeat the process on the subsequent remaining folders.
So, what would be the BSM code for accomplishing the above task?
Present BSM.ini:
Folder=e:\1\QQQ\shortcuts 1_x_178\50502
Thanks much!