Good suggestion. I did look at Autoit before I got into AHK_L. The learning curves seemed pretty similar. But there were some AHK scripts (real simple ones) that I could figure out just by looking at them. That's what made me decide to try AHK. Autoit's syntax seems a tad more formal, if that's the word I want. I'll stick with AHK for a while longer anyway, but thanks.
Here's a question out of the command help. For InputBox they show InputBox, OutputVar [, Title, Prompt, HIDE, Width, Height, X, Y, Font, Timeout, Default]. I assume the [ ] brackets mean the commands, I guess I mean parameters, are optional. The question is, from the examples they show, you have to put a comma followed by a space for every one of those parameters you don't want to use. That is, if you want to include parameter #1 and 3, but not #2, you have to put the comma+space between 1 and 3. Correct? And if you don't want to use any parameters after #3, you can just stop?