Guess duck duck go and Bing just doesn't have the same coverage.-MilesAhead
It's why I gave up on DDG after only a week as my default search engine, it just wasn't showing me the results that should have been right at the top.
Google gives me the results I want, I just try to minimise the carnage getting them.
I searched for: movie ordinary man absolute power
Search results have changed, (even in the short period between when I first did it and now, eg. DC didn't appear in the original results), but when I first did it the movie title came up 2 or 3 times within the top ten.
IMDB,, (the two I reference above), and
one other reference World Sci-Fi Cinema - so I took a stab at it being the most likely.
EDIT: Now I only have the IMDB reference in the top ten and doesn't get a mention in the top twenty.