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Author Topic: BookmarkQ: share pages with sections highlighted  (Read 3505 times)


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BookmarkQ: share pages with sections highlighted
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:43 PM »
I've often wanted to share some specific bit from a web page without duplicating the content and yet making it easy for a recipient to perceive which bit I wanted to indicate -- BookmarkQ offers one approach via a bookmarklet (no account required).

Here's a sample:

A rough usage summary:

  • Navigate to a page with some content to share (non-frame stuff might work better)
  • Click on the BookmarkQ bookmarklet (dragged to the Bookmark toolbar as part of set up)
  • Wait a bit for the content to redisplay
  • Highlight some text
  • Click on the BookmarkQ bookmarklet again -- page should redisplay with selected text highlighted in yellow
  • Mouse over the selected area -- should cause a popup to appear with URL to share
  • Copy URL and share as desired

The description may make it sound like it's more complex than it actually is ;)

Note that this approach may be letting a 3rd party know that a page is being shared and specifically what on that page is of interest.

Thanks to mouser for pointing me at the freewaregenius article:

  Highlight specific content on a web page to share with others, with InFocus

The article covers a different service, but that appeared to require Flash (which wasn't in the environment I was using when I took a look), but a commenter mentioned BookmarkQ -- so thanks to that commenter too :)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 10:23 PM by ewemoa »