MoveIt Now Custom Save info is written to .ini file using floats as a percentage of the work area dimension. When reading the Custom values from the .ini file, if the numbers are not floating point, they are handled the old way(the same as v.
If you wish to adjust your custom saves to accommodate more than one screen res. just save using 'z' key. If you use a custom work area setting please remember to use a work area appropriate for the new screen res so that calculations will work. If you use AutoHide Taskbar or always let the system set the work area then you don't need to do anything special.
I usually run at 1280 x 1024 with the 1024 cut down to 908 via work area adjustment. As test I saved a couple of sections with the new version using 'z' then changed the screen res to 1600 x 1200 and set the 1200 down to 1020 work area. Then I keyed a couple of windows into position. I must say it worked pretty well. Should be especially handy if you have to use a smaller screen res. It should proportionately size down so that the windows make sense on the desktop, provided you adjust the work area if needed.
The short of it is, you should not have to do anything for the program to work the same as To transition to percentage custom saves, place your custom windows and re 'z' 'em. It's ok to mix and match. Any Custom setting still using the old format will pass through. Of course it will not be sized proportionately if the screen res and/or work area is different than when saved. But it shouldn't be anything bizarre.