MoveIt Now "One Hand" mode will set the window width and/or height to 2/3 of the desktop work area if currently less than that. This is only applied if the window is resizable and set to a "Tic Tac Toe" position via the One Hand mode. If you wish to move the window without resizing use one of the other methods such and holding middle mouse button on the caption bar while pressing 1-9.
I made this change because it is such a pain to use two hands while eating and playing on the computer. I hate having to put my cinnamon roll down to use MoveIt. The One Hand mode helped but moving a small window required using two hands if I wanted to make the window larger at the same time. A lazy man's feature.
The latest version has been uploaded. Link in first post.
Edit: I also changed the Snap Window to Quadrant to only use the Left Alt key. This can avoid conflict with utilities such as Alt Drag. Alt Drag can be set to only use the Right Alt key.