Hello! My name is Konstantin Artemev. I am the author of VistaGlance. One of VistaGlance users told me about this topic and I decided to join.
seems a bit retarded to type in a search term and then have to resort to the mouse to open up the file/folder within the results. if that is how it has to work then i may as well just click through windows explorer (or whatever file manager) with the mouse without resorting to using the keyboard.
This is a known bug, I will correct this tommorow. I will post a notice here when the new version is available.
i thought there would have been more interest in 'vistaglance' as it's similar to 'find and run robot' - but only for files... no?
The concept of the software I develop is really close to 'find and run robot', but a bit in other direction. Here is my explanation I recently posted to VistaGlance forum:
Indeed I am developing a system to replace file related functions of your OS.
Imagine such picture.
Perhaps you want OS to perform some action with your files or documents. You simply type what you need to be done with natural language. There are no strict forms of queires. you just type what you think. The systems tries to guess what you have in view and gives you a list of possible interpretations of your words - possible actions. It's like a text quest or interactive fiction where you describe your actions using the power of natural language. Of course, you will be able to use synonyms, words with fuzzy meaning, descriptions, aliases, and os on... For example, the command like
"copy all files from flash to desktop" can mean both "COPY *.* FROM F:\ (if F: is your flash drive) TO C:\Documents and Settings\[user name here]\Desktop"
"COPY *files* FROM *flash* TO *DESKTOP*"
where *something* just means any file or folder with contains "something" in its name. So computer gives you the list of possible meanings and you just agree with one of its items. This system should definitely have elements of artificial intelligence, should learn...
I'm developing such system now. VistaGlance is a just a first step to easy file and document access and manipulations.