Yes when I said 'bookmarks and favorites' I was referring to those in the browser. I've dealt with the .htaccess file only a handful of times but I want to use the redirect page I've already designed. It's a slightly fancy html file that says to paraphrase 'this page has moved, please make new bookmarks when you land on the new page. Redirecting in 25 secs.'
Actually, I've been working on an open source Bible, so the files in the folder are dGenesis.html, dExodus.html, dLeviticus.html, dNumbers.html, etc on down the line. My hosting provides very good statistics, and many readers are entering the website in that particular folder by those file names. Until a year or so ago, they were coming in on one of those more often than through the home index! They are going to be redirected to the Table of Contents page for the Bible on the new website through the html redirect I've written. I want to 'multiply' the one html redirect page into many with each of those file names.
I'd love a little program that allowed you to "Browse" to a file name in a box up top as the master file, and fill it's contents into every file in a folder I select, but keep the file names.
My proficiency in writing batch files doesn't make it in that regard. Thanks though. Have you or anyone heard of a program that would save me a lot of manual renaming?