Hi, some interesting suggestions there thank you.
I'm really liking Ka Type In, mostly because it can be triggered by mouse position and then just one more click pastes the item. Also it pastes the item without formatting so it's good with Open Office. And should I be feeling sufficiently energetic to use my keyboard, it also has an auto-complete capability. Nice.
Text Editor Anywhere, unrelated but very neat little app.
PowerPro lol. I remember downloading it years ago thinking "Wow this looks really really useful..!!". No prizes for guessing the end of that story
I'll have another look at it though, I'd like to think I've learned at least a little in the intervening years...
Anyway I'm uncomfortably aware that I'm probably way out of the area of coding snacks now. But ever the optimist, I'll just attach a couple of jpg's... mock-ups of my ideal paste extension. Doesn't have to attach to the actual "Paste" menu item of course, anywhere in the context menu is fine