Its been a very long time sir. Hell before the creation of this site, even tho the brief www-irc visits were hit and misses. With the new(speaking from years ago) life style change at heart and mind, Less stress, Less shadows. Life has certainly been a roller coaster. UPS and DOWNS. Gotten the pc-bug itch ever so often, Now its stuck and getting back into the swing of things. Surfing the web, searching old terms to find the, years later, newer/updated version them. I always come across mIRCRYPTION. ahhh the good `ole days. I'm very pleased and happy to see your still kicking! Current I'm in no position to donate (Suppose this post is a waste of time due to that). I shall tho, As i spent time creating the mIRCRYPTION Tutorial, I will add to the fundraiser once I can. Granted at this time its over and you excelled your goal by 4k. ( Congratulation's!!!
) Which is a testimonial to the person you are, the projects you imagine, create and finish, also to the people you service and those you surround yourself with! as I said I've extremely pleased and happy to see this site is still kicking and doing `oh so well!
I'll be in touch , and hopefully sooner then later will i be able to kick a few penny's your way!
Continue on with you awesome work in the mean time!
-- AnOldSoul