Depends on what political side you're on. If you're on the liberal side, you might think sanity was coming back, but then you might check yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on other things. If you're on the conservative side, same situation, one decision seems sane, the other not.
I don't understand how patenting laws of nature can be considered sane from any political view point.
Like, what utter nonsense to run to the patent office and claim "1 + 0 = 1" and "1 + 1 = 2"? Once you've got those 2 patents, there are very few things/people that don't infringe on them. Whether the law of nature is currently known or not isn't particularly relevant. We use laws of nature all the time, and allowing them to be patented is simply absurd, irrespective of political viewpoint.
Here's an insane example...
Discover a new process chemical/electro-chemical process in the lungs, patent it, then charge everyone worldwide for the right to breathe. And withhold the patent grant from people you don't like so that they are forced to suffocate to death.