I am borrowing a laptop, so I cannot test or risk anything, like I normally would do. However, this weird "mousing" on a laptop is simply not
me!, so I need to know if there is any up to date version of Numpad mouse / Mousekeys
or similar that certainly will work on a 32-bits Vista Home Premium?
Numpad mouse / Mousekeys allowed the XP user to operate the cursor with the help of keyboard only,
but both programs are now quite old, and I have not found anything similar on this laptop Vista.
I can see it may still be possible:
Open the Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard page by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Ease of Access, clicking Ease of Access Center, and then clicking Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard.
Select the options that you want to use:
Use On-Screen Keyboard. This option sets On-Screen Keyboard to run when you log on to Windows. On-Screen Keyboard displays a visual keyboard with all the standard keys. You can select keys using the mouse or another pointing device, or you can use keys on the standard keyboard.
-Microsoft Vista
However, this feature is burried deep down in the hidden. If she would like to use her computer "now", I would first have to search here and there, to undo these settings. I need a simple program to start or exit.
Reading the quoted text again, I am not even sure I can use my own keyboard for anything other than selecting keys on the on-screen keyboard. It surely is the wrong way to do it, for me. I am of course hoping to navigate the cursor via the laptop's physical keyboard.
Edit#2: this laptop has
no NumPad.