Download the latest version of MySecret.zip (47 kB) from http://www.di-mgt.com.au/mysecret.html
Unzip the MySecret.zip into an folder, e.g. into "<xypath>\Tools\MySecret\..."
Save this script e.g. as "MySecret.xys" into "<xypath>\Scripts\..." folder
Select one file
Launch this script, e.g. from menu "Scripting > Load Script File... > MySecret.xys"
From the dialog choose "Encrypt" [or "Decrypt"]
The resulting output is encrypted and encoded using base64 encoding, ready to mail it.
// creates an new, encrypted file with additional 'mys' extension:
$pas1 = Input("MySecret EnCrypt","Enter your password for ""<curname>"":");
$pass = Input('Confirm','Re-type your password:');
end ("$pas1" != "$pass"), "Password did not match";
run "<xypath>\Tools\MySecret\MySecret.exe -w -e -p $pass -i ""<curitem>"" -o ""<curitem>.mys""";
// creates an new, decrypted file and removes the 'mys' extension:
$pass = Input("MySecret DeCrypt","Enter your password for ""<curname>"":");
run "<xypath>\Tools\MySecret\MySecret.exe -d -w -p $pass -i ""<curitem>"" -o ""<curpath>\<curbase>""";
sub "_readme";
"Edit this &script : edit"
self $ScriptFile, file;
OpenWith "<xypath>\Tools\NotePad2\Notepad2.exe", ,$ScriptFile;
text <<<TEXT
MySecret Blowfish Encryption Utility
Version 3.1.1 Released 9 June 2007.
Works fine for file size till ~5MB.
Decodeing an file with e.g. 25MB takes a few minutes.
1. Copy the file MYSECRET.EXE into a directory on your PC's path,
e.g. C:\Windows or C:\WINNT
2. That's it!
Usage: MySecret [OPTIONS] [-p password] [[-i] infile [[-o] outfile]]
-?|-h display this Help
-e|-d force Encrypt/Decrypt
-n do Not ask to confirm password
-w Warn before overwriting existing outfile
-2 use v2.0 algorithm (no compression)
-@ use stdin/stdout pipes if in/outfile not given
-L display licence conditions
MySecret (=clipboard-mode, prompts for password)
MySecret -p "my pass phrase"
MySecret infile outfile (=file-mode)
MySecret -@ infile (output to stdout)
MySecret -@ -o outfile (input from stdin)
MySecret -@ (input from stdin/output to stdout)
For more information go to <http://www.di-mgt.com.au/mysecret.html>
MySecret is copyright (C) 2002-7 DI Management Services Pty Ltd, all rights
reserved. MySecret is freeware. Install and use entirely at your own risk.
Read more at http://www.di-mgt.com.au/mysecret.html