There is definitely no shortage of third party clipboard managers for the Windows operating system. One of the reasons for this is the limited nature of the default system clipboard feature which can only store one item at a time. This means a lot of juggling back and forth if you need to copy multiple items from one application to another. The Windows Clipboard does not support persistent clipboard items as well.Clipboard Help+Spell is a Donation Coder application. This means that it is free for personal use and well designed. The program might intimidate inexperienced users as it offers a wealth of features and options.The basics however remain the same. Windows users can still use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v, or the right-click menu items, to copy and paste items to the clipboard. Clipboard Help+Spell remembers all items that get copied to the Clipboard, unlike the Windows Clipboard which flushes out the old entry once a new is stored.The new shortcut Ctrl-Alt-q displays a selection menu to paste a previous clipboard entry into the current application.