As you may know i've been working for weeks on the new micro donation system for use here at
It's almost done and i think it's shaped up really nicely.
But a number of people have pointed out that there may be some strange legal/tax issues involve (i.e. if someone makes a donation to the site, but half of it goes into their account for them to decide how to donate to others at their leisure, how should that money be treated for tax purposes, and what other legal ramifications are there of such a system).
The amounts of money coming into the site have always been small enough that I tend to view such issues as more academic than of practical consequence, but i think the microdonation system, which places the site somewhat in the roll of being a middlemad does complicate things a little, to the point where i think it's probably best to get a little legal advice.
So anyway, does anyone know a good place online to get some legal advice on issues like this?
Or anyone here have a legal background that might have some advice/insight about this issue?