I just finished watching the 3 screencasts, and I'm even more impressed with this program than before.
Ways that I could see CHS improved, that would also allow me to remove other programs from my system:
1) Text aliases i.e. shortcuts with a trigger that are then replaced by e.g. a much longer block of text.
I currently use Lifehacker's free Texter program for this and it works fine. But they way I look at, the expansions are just text blocks that I've copied like anything else in CHS, and want to be able to recycle quickly because I reuse them often.
Currently you can hack this with favorites but that requires mouse-clicking, while Texter let's me do this with just a few keystrokes.
2) Full-on key logging
Not for nefarious purposes, of course. I'm just tired of losing work because a program crashed and there was no autosave or I forgot to save regularly (which I shouldn't have to do). Yes, keylogging captures backspaces/deletions/etc., but I'd still rather reconstruct work from semi-jumbled text than have to try and recall everything from rote at a moment of extreme frustration.
And to avoid it being used for nefarious purposes, you could add in safeguards such as the captured text not being saved beyond the current session, for example.
3) Shortcuts to send copied content out as a tweet, Facebook status update, etc. with optionally-active built-in url shortening capabilities when a url is included. I'd love to have a submenu in the Popup Paste Menu that would allow me to choose a destination on the fly.