Here's another macro hack for UltraSearch. UltraSearch has no option to start in Tray. If you start it minimized, the tell tale button is in the Taskbar(I sent 'em a suggestion to fix that and add a hotkey to pop up the window.)
For this to work you must have enabled the Minimize To Tray option in UltraSearch and it must be version 1.5.
Compile this script with AutoIt3 if you like. It must be run from the same folder as UltraSearch.exe. Put a shortcut to usLaunch.exe in your StartUp folder.
It makes sure it can find UltraSearch.exe(no pun intended) then waits 10 seconds to allow other startup apps to do their thing. It launches the program, gets it's screen location, then clicks the 'x' in the corner to minimize it to tray. I love watching the mouse go over to do the click!!
AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 0)
$prog = "UltraSearch.exe"
$title = "UltraSearch V1.5"
If Not FileExists($prog) Then
$eMsg = @WorkingDir & "\" & $prog & " Not Found!"
$eMsg &= @CRLF & @CRLF & @ScriptName & " must be in the same Folder as " & $prog
MsgBox(0x1010,"UltraSearch Launcher",$eMsg,5)
; let other startup programs load
If Not ShellExecute($prog) Then Exit
$handle = WinWaitActive($title, "", 8)
If $handle <> 0 Then
$posInfo = WinGetPos($title)
If IsArray($posInfo) Then
$x = $posInfo[2] - 24
$y = 12
MouseClick("left", $x, $y)