FBSL and machine code are not incompatible...
You can use the FBSL online compiler to see the results :
http://gedd123.free..../studio/fbsl2exe.php#Option Explicit
'// The last one is 0 to null-terminate
Dim $CPUName : Alloc( CPUName, 13 )
'// Set up machine code
Dim MachineCode = Data(&H55,&H8B,&HEC,&H57,&H52,&H51,&H53,&H8B,&H45,&H8,&HF,_
'// Calls the machine code
CallAbsolute( MachineCode, 0, @CPUName, @CPUName+8, @CPUName+4)
MsgBox(0, CpuName, "You CPU is...", 0)