Yes, I realized that already
. That's the way I used to add new alias, to add new url item I copied url than popup farr, pasted, and there's search result to surf the url, then I right click to add to alias and makes label and etc.
But I had alot of url added and removed item at the alias, than make me think to find more effective way to do that.
I had try using "agroups" command and searching through it, Earlier I'am just put it as note then I tried ham note, but then I can't search through note contents and can't run the url directly.
Then it should be a plugin so i can :
1. search my alias in search edit box and
2. insert it directlya from search edit
3. remove alias items list from search result (right click will be fine)
I think it could be done with plugin, I already try to make it through dos batch file to find and replace certains item in alias file. Or maybe it could be done with fscipt plugin? or may be it's included in native farr.
Am I thinking the wrong way? Just hope can have some clue to doit right, is it via fscript or anything else suggestion.
Sorry for my bad english or sound impolite.