the home version does have spell checker, they've just made it so you have to download it separately for the home version.
it's their way of trying to give the pro users some extra convenience and justify the price.
you could look at it as annoying or else a reasonable way to differentiate user types without effective functionality..
either way, i *think* that as a home user you can just download the normal full pro download and use home license key to active home features, without having to do the separate downloads.
the review has a page showing differences between the home and pro.
http://www.ritlabs.c...ucts/thebat/diff.php"For the Home Edition spell checker dictionaries can be downloaded separately, they are included in the International Pack. In the Professional Edition the dictionaries are a part of the standard installation file."
like i said though, i think everyone can really download pro version to avoid this need to download separately.. i think.
thanks for reminding me about all the addons for outlook - i meant to mention that in the review but forgot.. i will add it.
i agree that it's not an easy decision!