I am trying really hard to reserve judgement, but really, how bad do they want to follow Apple when they try to turn everything into an iProduct? Touch everything?!? I don't get it. The one thing I do note, however, that makes me think it is likely to either be a big fail or a me too, is that they are STILL trying to make a single platform for all uses. That is why Apple won the tablet market they were trying for yeaarrrssss prior to generate. Apple IOS may be a pared down version of OSX, but it is still NOT OSX. It is it's own platform. If Microsoft will let go of the "One platform to rule them all!" attitude, they *might* be able to start making headway again. Heck, they dumped it for the XBox and look how successful that turned out. Maybe not clear and away winner, but certainly a worthy rival to the Playstation and generally considered better than the Wii. And based on an OS that was made for an MP3 player! The only thing I see coming from this if it stays as we see on the first looks is they will alienate their base without having the user-base to tackle Apple's biggest stronghold - the mobile phone/tablet market.
If you own stock in Microsoft, watch this OS VERY carefully. It will either be a dud that will propel Microsoft onto the ash-heap of history, or keep them viable for the next release. Either way, it doesn't have what it takes (yet anyway) to propel it the way XP & 7 have. At best it will be to 7 what XP was to Windows 2000.
P.S. I really do like most Microsoft products, so I really hope I am wrong here. It really is too early to tell, but that is my gut instinct from what they have shown so far.