Would someone please make me a simple Counter Program in AHK?
Two reasons: I could use the utility and it would also serve well as an example of some of the AHK code I'd like to be more familiar with. The GUI creation and counting subroutines would save me a lot of trial and error working the code out for myself.
There would be a simple small (~100 pixel tall x ~200 pixels wide) dialog box with:
- Two buttons: Increment counter by 1, Decrement counter by 1.
- Counter display (this could even be on one of the buttons)
The other feature would be that the counter would automatically increment by 1 each hour on the hour. I could manually adjust the counter with the buttons for a start value, which would be incremented by 1 on the next hour (at the top of the hour, not an hour after I start).
That's all I'd need, but if you wanted to teach me one other thing, it would be to make the dialog box, buttons, counter, etc in different colors if this can be done in AHK. You can pick the colors.
Thanks in advance to any takers!