Here's an example of the "metro" Photoshop layout
That's looking good
Must say that the purple is more like blue on the MIMO, but that's the same lack of red displayed, I assume.
The advantage of the "metro" design is the spacing between the buttons, so you can drag the preview to the mimo for testing ('Allow Window Movable' should be checked for that to work) and a quick color comparison.
I know how time-consuming setting up a lot of buttons can be, so I'm thinking about the workflow of WBE, and how to improve that. Especially the new parameters for the images are hacked in, so I'll probably better create a separate screen just for setting that up nicely.
I see you're using "{ctrldown} s {ctrlup}" to send in fact "^s" to Photoshop. If you change the Command separator (Global parameters) to something like &, you can use "^s" for the WinSendKeys performed -send command. It'll save you some typing, and the command will execute a few-hundred milliseconds faster