Basic Info
Subjot - My New Twitter but It may Not be for YouSubjot is a
Topic based Twitter except it's not. It's part Quora, part forum, part Plurk (comments, not interface) and part Friendfeed (cross-posts to Twitter/FB only)
What's in it for Twitter users:It doesn't have an external application that I know of but your homepage design is all Twitter with the extra options not really getting in your way:
Cons: No retweet
No hashtag (although it has a better list system in-site but that doesn't get imported when posting to Twitter)
No notification of when someone mentions your username (although it has the same notification Quora uses which is much more powerful for when people you know replies back to you)
No saved searches
No auto-url shortening
What's in it for Facebook users:The service still relies on inviting your friends into using it but you don't have to follow their every status updates. Just the ones you want to know about them.
I'd take a screenshot but the options requires hovering over an icon. Just remember this message which is on top of almost every page:
Cons:No privacy. Right now all posts are public.
What's in it for Plurk users:Same micro-blogging goodness that includes a comment system.
Cons:It definitely has no similarity to Plurk's interface.
What's in it for those who have avoided social networks?Currently it has a nice community. Even the developer is all over the place talking to users publicly in the comments.
Initially the interface may seem scary but it has the feel of a forum. In some parts superior, in some parts inferior.
The limited character count for example is adapted from Twitter but unlike Twitter it has a higher character count.
It may also not allow for titles but subjects are like turning Titles into Twitter streams. Say... you write a mini-review. You can create a mini-review subject and every post you write under mini-review will go there. It is also your own exclusive forum category. Others may make the same title but both of your contents don't cross-post unless people follow both of you.
There's also no direct image hosting or formatting but the textbox is smart. Direct image links show images. Youtube links embed videos.
Relationship btwn. Reviewer and Product | REVIEWER: The site recently went public beta and I joined it, liked it and switched to it. Even said it on my Twitter profile. Most of this review is actually tl;dr because the site is growing and it has only recently gone out of private beta but as I was considering some of my posts there and considered switching my Twitter profile for that link, I just decided instead of coming off spammy and bothering mouser to allow for a profile space for a service that may or may not warrant a space due to it's lack of current popularity. Why not just create a mini-review for it instead of coming off spammy. |