I have a bunch of games on gamersgate and steam (and a few direct from developers) which I meant to give to friends but, I must notice, in quite a few cases I have failed to convince individual friends to be interested enough. In other cases I received as a bonus or gift something I already had...
So I figured, this is donation coder, I'll be donation gamer
None of them are expensive, but still, a freebie is nice
Here are the "rules"
* Please be nice, I'll try to do first come first serve but I might get something wrong and apologise in advance
* actually think you'll play the game a few hours in the next month
* If on gamersgate or steam, I'd expect you to add me to your network (iphigenie/superiphi) so I can bask in the warm glow that at least someone is playing the games my friends wouldnt play
* removed the 4th rule on intending to donate - intending to participate is fine too
Several copies of "Defense Grid". That one is so awesome I first had it on Direct2Drive, then on Steam, then I bought a 10 pack on sale to spread the love
. 4 gone, 1 left
Detour - a bit clunky but a neat idea, and probably will get patched. Pipeman with weapons. Mac and PC, iirc. 2 gone
Hoard - Mac or PC. Xbox port, best played with a gamepad
Portal 1 - 1 copy. Mac or PC
Vertex Dispenser - an action puzzler game about lines and colors Mac or PC. 2 gone
Sanctum - First Person Shooter Tower Defense
Infans Solaris - asteroids with co-op mode
Woody Two-Legs: Attack of the Zombie PiratesGuilty Gear Isuka - a fighting game
http://www.gamersgat...GI/guilty-gear-isukaStronghold 1 - old but good RIP - old school shooter
RIP strike back - old school shooter
Directly bought from software developer
Creeper world - hard to describe, but awesome little game, with a huge amount of content. small web demo here
http://knucklecracke...erworld/web/play.php Din's Curse - an excellent indie game, mix of diablo and rogue with emergent storyline