posting /me test in a channel set with the key 12345
12:27 Debug encrypt: 0 : send_command
12:27 Debug encrypt: 1 : /me test
12:27 Debug encrypt: 2 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a57158)
12:27 Debug encrypt: 3 : Irssi::Irc::Channel=HASH(0x9a566c8)
12:27 ME: #af-test | test
12:27 Debug encrypt: 0 : send_command
12:27 Debug encrypt: 1 : /^ACTION -efnet #af-test +OK UPLLQ0mof6J1
12:27 Debug encrypt: 2 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a56ea8)
12:27 Debug encrypt: 3 :
posting /me in a query, got the key by /blowkeyx cbc <user>
12:29 Debug encrypt: 0 : send_command
12:29 Debug encrypt: 1 : /me test
12:29 Debug encrypt: 2 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a56d98)
12:29 Debug encrypt: 3 : Irssi::Irc::Query=HASH(0x9a5c318)
12:29 ME: nickname | test
12:29 Debug encrypt: 0 : send_command
12:29 Debug encrypt: 1 : /^ACTION -efnet nickname +OK *RzA1SnVhOUYOQLYwXXrZxg==
12:29 Debug encrypt: 2 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a5bb28)
12:29 Debug encrypt: 3 :
getting and decrypting the /me test in a channel [this works, it decrypts the /me fine]
12:31 DEBUG decrypt: 0 : message_action
12:31 DEBUG decrypt: 1 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a57328)
12:31 DEBUG decrypt: 2 : +OK UPLLQ0mof6J1
12:31 DEBUG decrypt: 3 : nickname
12:31 DEBUG decrypt: 4 : user@hostname
12:31 DEBUG decrypt: 5 : #af-test
gettting the /me test in a query [this doesn't work]
12:32 DEBUG decrypt: 0 : message_action
12:32 DEBUG decrypt: 1 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x96809f8)
12:32 DEBUG decrypt: 2 : +OK *M3M0UjFOb0XTujmGhW8B8Q==
12:32 DEBUG decrypt: 3 : nickname (the sender)
12:32 DEBUG decrypt: 4 : user@hostname
12:32 DEBUG decrypt: 5 : nickname2 (the reciever)
this is what it looks like
12:32 * nickname +OK *M3M0UjFOb0XTujmGhW8B8Q==
If I manually set a key for nickname and nickname2 to 12345 I get this [just to make sure it's not the keyex thats causing it.]
12:38 Debug encrypt: 1 : /me test
12:38 Debug encrypt: 2 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9680c88)
12:38 Debug encrypt: 3 : Irssi::Irc::Query=HASH(0x9a5c008)
12:38 ME: nickname | test
12:38 Debug encrypt: 0 : send_command
12:38 Debug encrypt: 1 : /^ACTION -efnet nickname +OK UPLLQ0mof6J1
12:38 Debug encrypt: 2 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a5c2e8)
12:38 Debug encrypt: 3 :
[doesn't decrypt the message]
12:38 DEBUG decrypt: 1 : Irssi::Irc::Server=HASH(0x9a56c28)
12:38 DEBUG decrypt: 2 : +OK UPLLQ0mof6J1
12:38 DEBUG decrypt: 3 : nickname
12:38 DEBUG decrypt: 4 : user@host
12:38 DEBUG decrypt: 5 : nickname2