This is embarrassing
. This past weekend, I hosted a small patio party - beer, wine, grill - the usual weekend stuff. The family that was over has - that very nearly became
had! - a young son, prolly approaching twelve (12) years. He has reinforced my belief in the
bunghole theory (When a child reaches three (3), you place said child in a barrel, feeding through the bunghole - when said child turns eighteen (18), you drive in the bung!).
Anyway, the little ... darling
... decided to play in the computer room. I've managed to correct most all that he did - I think! - but one thing I cannot recover. 'Twas prior to my weekly full backup, unfortunately.
There was/is a note-taking app that produces a small bar, 'bout the size of an
em dash on the screen. When you mouse over it, it pops up a note window, dual pane, with the left pane holding an outline-ish structure and the right pane holding notes related to the selected left pane item. I don't remember the name of it. I has several Windows keys that I now need to recover, or I'm toast. If it helps, the note window had a kinda, sorta purple background.
As mentioned, this is embarrassing
. Does anyone happen to know the name of this little beastie? The data file is still extant - I had better sense than to restore - and recoverable if I can just figure out what app to reload. It still is on the NAS, but w/o a name I'll play Hell finding it out of several thousand files. (I've
got to find a decent tagging system.)
P.S. I hate meddling, undisciplined children!