How interesting! It sounds like it's using a method of organizing files that's similar to what attracted me to Powermarks and then to Linkman as bookmark managers. I no longer had to worry about what folder to put a bookmark in, how to classify it or remember where I put it. I just added whatever keywords came to mind, and then I was able to search on any of those keywords. I'm not sure, but this might make a LOT of sense for organizing files as well. I wouldn't have to spend time deciding whether to put this file in a folder devoted to computer security, or one devoted to Firefox, or to Windows 7, or to.... Indeed, anything that I might associate with the file could be used as a tag. This method certainly works for me with my thousands of bookmarks in Linkman. Perhaps there are reasons it wouldn't work as well for files, but offhand I can't think of any. (Hmmm....would I have to give up many of the features of my current file manager, Directory Opus 10? Would I be willing to do so?)