Take out the #7 Having clause and run the query.
Is this the subset that you want the "max" timestamp to be chosen from?-patthecat
Okay, I take this to mean: When looking at the output, how do I know it's wrong? ...Which is actually a hell of a good GD question, now that I think of it ... Or rather, now that you asked me to think of it.
Now here's the weird part. Most of it ain't. Here's an updated version of the query as just used for above:
SELECT Pc1.ClientID, Pc1.SerialNo, Pc1.ModelName, PiX.CurLocation, Pc1.TotalPP, Pc1.TimeStamp
FROM PageCounts Pc1
INNER JOIN PageCounts Pc2 ON Pc1.SerialNo = Pc2.SerialNo
INNER JOIN Printer_Inv PiX ON Pc1.SerialNo = PiX.SerialNo
WHERE Pc1.ClientID = 'Client X' AND Pc1.TotalPP = 0 AND PiX.Active = 1
GROUP BY Pc1.SerialNo, Pc1.TimeStamp HAVING Pc1.TimeStamp = MAX(Pc2.TimeStamp)
LIMIT 0, 300
This produces a data set of the correct size...and with the correct items. The problem is the dates are "wrong". Sure they're what I asked for ... But that's not (exactly...) what I meant (to ask for) ... And computers are of course basically shit for interpretation. (...Oops!)
So here's how I got ^^there^^. I was (assuming) looking for a data set size somewhere in the 30's, so when I kept getting 80's it looked/felt/appeared "wrong" ... Which it would have indeed been (wrong) if I hadn't just created another bill last Friday which contained 80 something devices with absent page counts.
So here's the - Newly updated with correct-er information - fun part. The date column (actually) needs to reflect the date of the last non-zero value. I went with max to get the latest info. because the table contains the complete billing history. So I didn't want to have any old zeros surfacing if they'd been "washed" by a valid, more current, non-zero count. However I do need this report query to show how (far back) long its been since device X has had a valid count retrieved from it ... So we can look into the why who is most guilty of (zero count) silence.
I think it's where the issue lies when you try to bring PC2 timestamp into the picture. If it is then at least you can try the other methods (sub queries, temp files, etc) you've tried to see if it get's the one "max" timestamp from your subset.-patthecat
No that part - Best I can tell - is Okay ... I was just on the wrong end of the problem.
Thank you!