this little AHK script should do what you want
setbatchlines, -1
path = 20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d
iniread, PATH, CTN.INI, LOGS,Folder
fileselectfolder, PATH, *%path%
iniwrite, %path%, CTN.INI, logs, folder
msgbox, 4,, Delete the Log Files?
loop, %path%/*.txt
loop, read, %a_loopfilefullpath%
if a_loopreadline contains Lost connection
stringleft,f1, a_loopreadline,20
F1 = %F1%
stringright, F2, a_loopreadline,22
f2 = %f2%
fileappend,%f1%`,%f2%`n, %path%/LogOuts_%a_yyyy%-%a_MM%.csv
ifmsgbox yes
filedelete, %a_loopfilefullpath%
assumes your log files are TXT files (you can edit this, though you'll need to recompile if you want to run it as an executable), outputs the relevant lines to a CSV file.
prompts for the path the the logs (path is stored in an ini file for future runs)
Option to delete the log files as you go...