Trying to automate cygwin + related package installation and noticed that recent versions of cygwin's setup.exe appear to support command line arguments:
Command Line Options:
-A --disable-buggy-antivirus Disable known or suspected buggy antivirus software packages during execution.
-C --categories Specify entire categories to install
-D --download Download from internet
-d --no-desktop Disable creation of desktop shortcut
-h --help print help
-K --pubkey URL of extra public key file (gpg format)
-L --local-install Install from local directory
-l --local-package-dir Local package directory
-n --no-shortcuts Disable creation of desktop and start menu shortcuts
-N --no-startmenu Disable creation of start menu shortcut
-O --only-site Ignore all sites except for -s
-P --packages Specify packages to install
-p --proxy HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
-q --quiet-mode Unattended setup mode
-r --no-replaceonreboot Disable replacing in-use files on next reboot.
-R --root Root installation directory
-S --sexpr-pubkey Extra public key in s-expr format
-s --site Download site
-U --keep-untrusted-keys Use untrusted keys and retain all
-u --untrusted-keys Use untrusted keys from last-extrakeys
-X --no-verify Don't verify setup.ini signatures
from: came across apt-cyg:
apt-cyg is a command-line installer for Cygwin which cooperates with Cygwin Setup and uses the same repository. The syntax is similar to apt-get. Usage examples:
"apt-cyg install <package names>" to install packages
"apt-cyg remove <package names>" to remove packages
from: seems to need wget, bzip2, tar, and gawk to function and appears to be a bash script so installed cygwin first via cmd.exe with:
setup.exe -q -n -R C:\apps\cygwin -l C:\apps\cygwin -s -P wget,bzip2,tar,gawk,subversion
no luck with long options
At least not via cmd.exe.
Didn't succeed in finding a way to remove packages via setup.exe's command line arguments, but apt-cyg has a 'remove' option
Tested with setup.exe 1.7.9-1 and apt-cyg 0.57 (obtained from svn).