Well whenever it is scanning packets it shows the count in the statusbar. I always ask that because it will show the count going up even if it doesnt find urls in the data, so it's the best thing to check for.
I never saw the packets scanned like in the older version. Thought that you got rid of that feature.
btw you can still see the raw packets if you drag the bottom of the window pane to see it (though that isn't going to help you since it's not seeming to work for you).
I'm at a bit of a loss how to help more.. it SHOULD be working.. if any other winpcap application works, url snooper should work. i don't know why it wouldn't and i don't know how to investigate more
When the next winpcap release comes out i can look again and see if maybe that helps.. but if i'm up to date using the latest winpcap i don't know what else to do..