@damax: Argh!! I don't think I was recommending
that!!Keep it simple. You don't need TapTap.
You might not need the ClipWait, but I put it in there just-in-case.
>^m:: ; RightCtrl+m is to send <^c (COPY)
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 2 ; wait for up to 2 seconds for state change before proceeding, so as to ensure capture to clipboard
>^n:: ; RightCtrl+n is to send <^v (PASTE)
Send, ^v
By the way, I discovered that
OkayKeybees v1.04a does not seem to work under Win10-64, so don't bother with it.
As I said, I can't actually test this to prove it as I have my RtCtrl key mapped to something else. You should be able to test it OK though, I think.
Do you need any help with editing your Autohotkey.ahk file?
If you do, then post it here as a generic script (press the # button whilst in edit mode, on the website).
There's lots of people here can help you.