Hi Mouser,
inifile ! that is the problem...it can't find it when it gets started, at least not the way I launch my startup items...
and btw. forget that bit about the winAPI call, only realized after hitting post that this would probably force any window out of the designated area...
Ok, here's what happens, coz I got a shitload of stuff loading at startup, I switched to a different method of launching startup items. I just have one item in my startup folder and thats a vbs script that launches everything in the background, thus giving me immediate access to my desktop, which would otherwise be unresponsive for about a minute or 2 untill they are all started. The problem however with launching programs from a script, is that the working directory isn't set...and thats the culprit in this case. On launch DesktopCoral can't find any ini file, but DOES save it in its own folder...
so the solution is to just put the startup shortcut in the startup folder instead of having a launcher manage it. Thx! Its been a long time since I encountered that problem, luckily none of the other stuf I have in my startupmanager suffers from this, so its no big problem...
btw...about programs still being able to cover the 'corral' if they aren't started maximized. The odd thing is that if I resize the 'corral', it
will force any window 'out of the way' if that window would endup covering part of the 'corraled' area...