Instead of messing with this anymore, I added a hotkey hack to Transpose. Now I can select text in Chromium based browser, then hit shift-right-click to copy to clipboard. The selected text disappears.
Normal right mouse click context menu is still available this way.
Shift right click turned out to be less intrusive than control right click.
Only thing with shift click is I sent a mouse click to clear the text and
this was leaving some of the selection. I just increased the delay to
1/2 second. If you watch you can see the pause before the selection
But at least this way you still have normal control-c or right click then copy functions. It doesn't really interfere with using Chrome/Chromium.
Way better than farting around with AutoCopy addon. Plus I always have Transpose running anyway.
The source is included for do-it-yourselfers. You can change it how you like.