If you are thinking whether you should be buying one of the cool devices, the articles below will give you some food for thought.
Transcript - A load of C.R.A.P. - At The Whiteboard - ZDNet.com
"ZDNet Executive Editor David Berlind suggests that CRAP or Content, Restriction, Annulment, and Protection, is a catchier phrase than DRM - Digital Rights Management. Why does he think this technology is crap? Once you've bought music or other content to play on one device, it won't play on any other device because of the proprietary layer of CRAP"
http://news.zdnet.co...ml/z/wb/6035707.htmlYou can also watch an interesting video on the same subject by clicking the link at the bottom of the above article.
A related article :
ยป Jobs iPod Hi-Fi: Home stereo reinvented? Or load of HorseCRAP? | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com
"Cancellation, Restriction, and Punishment"