There I was in Firefox yesterday afternoon, filling in an online PDF for a job application, when my machine suddenly switched off. It's prone to doing this sometimes, usually when it's particularly stressed - I have isolated the problem as being a (slightly) incompatible memory stick, and as I pretty much know what triggers it, I have decided (so far) to save the £50 that a replacement memory stick would cost and just avoid doing those things. So, I have system shutdown, and a few minutes later the machine comes back to life, only I can no longer get into Firefox, except in Safe Mode - every time it starts up, it immediately goes to the 'Firefox has a problem, would you like to tell us about it' dialogue. I decide to bite the bullet and reinstall FF - to no effect: exact same behaviour. I decide to bite harder and remove every trace of FF and reinstall - so scouring registry (with CCleaner and JV16Tools) and removing folders in C:\Documents & Folders\[etc] Fine, now FF works again, and after a while of reassembling things, I have all the extensions I want back (and I found a really handsome new theme in the process: iPox). Firefox works fine, and I worked happily online all morning, until I came to opening one of my Desktop folders, when Windows popped up with a truncated message box, reading (in the top bar): "DirInfo-1.DbgLog", and in the body of the message, just: "**NotP". I tried to do a system restore to last night, but this didn't fix it; when I restored to before last night, Firefox doesn't work. I restored all of JV16's backups, but nothing doing. What I did inbetween: install Mouser's new Launcher Alpha and Skrommel's Taskbar Fader. That's it as far as changes are concerned. I searched on Google and turned up some references to "DirInfo-1.DbgLog", but all referred to software I have no knowledge of, and certainly haven't installed. Anybody have any ideas that might help me?
Oh, something to add to this: the error message belongs to Explorer (according to Process Explorer), and when it comes up I can do nothing except kill Explorer and start it again... And then everything works fine until I try to open any folder...