I think with relative hyperlinks is possible with word 2002. but I don't know if is possible to modify the the initial hyperlinks by the final ones, or obtain a list of existing hyperlink to modify before burn to a cd/dvd/usb or external drive.
The problem is the work system used. Initially I used a folder to the topic I want to export to cd/dvd/usb or external drive. I build that folder with many links to my disks (image disk O: , data disk Y:, and a large etc of special uses).
Then I make a new folder in other place and recopile everything with shortcuts in a special way : crono and theme organize by month, date and so on.
Then I transform the shortcuts to real files and folders inside that new folder. With a program developed by 4wd
https://www.donation...?topic=25770.new#newThen I create the word document and begin the explanation linking to folders, files, images, sound, videos and any element contained in that new folder.
If I have to used this presentation again I can add the newer real files , modify the word document, or even create a newer folder in other place, if I use relative hyperlinks.
Suppose I have a word document in the older first folder with hyperlinks to several files, folders in several disks. Can I obtain a list of the hyperlinks to edit with ease ?
Best Regards
Excuse my language and "complexity". I think I must simplify all this. aSuite have no spanish language and I would like in spanish because the final user is spanish.
I use many years ago locate32 for indexing my seven hard disks at the present moment in the new pc, and four hard disks in the old one.
Where can I find information and software for the webserver to be used in local mode (I have seen in the past cd/dvd developed in this way) or even specialized software to make menus on usb, cd, dvd...... ?
Best Regards