I try to explain better now :
I have a folder to copy to another folder (folder 1 to folder 2)
Folder 1 contains files shortcuts and folder shortcuts.
In the copy process i wish in folder 2 :
a) substitute any file shorcut for the file pointing to.
b) substitute (copy) any folder shorctut for the folder pointing to.
In other words : Folder 2 don't contains shortcuts.
For me is useful too if I can copy the folder 1 in folder 2 and after select the shorcuts to transform in the files or folders they are pointing to.
I think this is a difficult program to make in the full version because may exists circular processes and scan a shortcut folder that may contains other shortcut folder or shortcut files . Or even a shortcut folder inside the original folder pointing exactly to that folder.....
I am not a programmer but in autohotkey or autoit language the only command seems to be : FileGetShortcut()
So the clever soft may need decide some things before make the copy from folder 1 to folder 2.
Suppose my second real case : I use an image inventory of all things of my house. First I photograph everything by room. Every room is a folder. Then I classify by themes : books, kitchen, textil, or even combined criterias. And use shortlinks to those images . The real things comes complex if I tell you that the photos are taken ordinarily by date and are saved in my imagen hard drive.
So :
I have my images in the O: disk of images
Folder for my rooms in the Y: data disk full of shortcuts pointing to the original images
Folder for my themes in the Y: data disk : books, videos, cd collection, wine bottles, etc full of shortcuts pointing to the original images.
Now I want to show my inventory system copying the inventory folder (containing the folder for my rooms, and the folder for my themes) to an external disk, usb pendrive, cd or dvd.
That is one of the reasons I would like to know a script to transform the windows shortcut in the file is pointing to.
P.D. And the miracle of the clever copy process would be that the program decides where put soft-links again. By example : put the original images in the rooms folders, and in the themes folders put shortcuts to the rooms folders.........
But I hope we can make simplier and in the easiest way.