Guys this is so lame I'm embarrassed to even ask. I'm using autohotkey to write a stay-resident macro to kill a #$%#$(# message box our app developers put into an IE based application we all use every day. It is a notice box that pops up on nearly every file we work on, and we have to click it "ok" to make it go away before proceeding.
What I've written works ... once. I cannot get the stupid thing to loop and twiddle its thumbs until the next instance pops up. Here is what I have:
WinWait, Windows Internet Explorer, There are APP data/U
IfWinNotActive, Windows Internet Explorer, There are APP data/U, WinActivate, Windows Internet Explorer, There are APP data/U
WinWaitActive, Windows Internet Explorer, There are APP data/U
Send {Enter}
Sleep, 100
The actual error box says "There are APP data/info related errors, Click the App Data Error tab to get full details" but by using macro recorder I wrote the above and it works. I suppose I need to put this into some kind of while ... loop or something, but I'm just too tired at night when I get to play with this stuff to think it through.
A little help? Please?