After the last Screenshot Captor update to 2.89.01 I noticed that my settings were not saved from the installed version that SSC updated. E.g., all my "Move To..." folder settings were wiped, the display/UI settings were all dumped, and the setting that creates folders by date and auto-moves screenshots into them was reset (I usually have this feature disabled, never liked it at all!!) SSC has a LOT of settings and so resetting them all manually is not necessarily a small task.
So how come the installer is now wiping all the settings, requiring a manual redo of them one-by-one? If this is to continue I'm going to have to save all my settings before updating from now on. Or just stop updating till I see if it's worth the trouble.
I'm using Screenshot Captor 2.89.01 on Windows 7 Home Premium.
Edit: OK, I located a backup of the file ScreenshotCaptor.ini and replaced the newer file with it. All settings have now gone back to what they were. Any problems with using the prior version's .INI file with 2.89.01?