Sorry, if it's a little vague.
This article made me wonder if anyone knows of any productivity tool (notetaker, outliner, concept) that has explored the concept of a "Smart Cache" and if there's any beginner code/guide on how to set one up for an application. (Sorry haven't learned programming yet but I'm thinking of coding a productivity tool for my first app.)
I know there are timer apps out there that record statistics but I'm thinking like a smart tag history system that not only records the most used tags but could smartly predict some human value in certain tags in such a way that it can recommend to a user the most optimal task they could do now (via gathering some simple measure of what time the user completes a task combined with what day of the week combined with which tag and what value a tag has)
A tagging system that creates symbiotic links out of nothing. Take
PearlTrees' example on recommending pearls where symlinks need not be needed (only a system for the desktop - kind of like the index used by a desktop search engine preferably cross browser)
An adoption center interface where tasks of a certain length are sent with a specific interface designed to re-input a better more written more developed task into the stream. Sort of like the reverse of a GTD Process system combined with Mark Forster's highlight and put to the end of the list system but it completely wipes the task from the official list after a certain scenario has been initiated (say after three Pomodoro cycles and the task remains un-edited or un-checked)